Converting Between WordPerfect and Word.
Want to edit a Word document using WordPerfect?
If you have the latest version of WordPerfect, just open the Word document and WordPerfect will convert it automatically, no matter what version of MS Word was used to save it.Don't have the latest version of WordPerfect (WP13 aka WPx3)? Then you need "The Know How." Keep reading (or scroll down to skip the explanation and get right to it.)
Want to edit a WordPerfect document using MS Word?
Just open the WordPerfect document in any version of MS Word. Since WordPerfect's document format has remained the same from version 6 through 13, this method should always work when opening any WordPerfect file in any version of MS Word.
Why can't any version of WordPerfect open any Word file?
Nearly every version of MS Word produces a unique document format, so attempting to open a Word document in a previously released version of WordPerfect produces the message “Unknown File Format.”
(That's okay, some previously released versions of MS Word had/have trouble opening newly released MS Word file formats - without a patch.)Each version of WordPerfect produces the same document format - so MS Word has been able to read it since Word 6.0. Did WordPerfect just get it right the first time? Novell and Corel think so.
Let me give you an example: Let's say WordPerfect 9 (WP9) is currently installed at your firm. WP9 was released a few months before Word 2000 (Word XP). Since Word XP didn’t exist when WP9 was released, WP9’s conversion utility isn’t capable of converting Word XP files.
(Do you need to read that again? I did.)WP10, on the other hand, can convert Word XP files because Word XP did exist when WP10 was released. The versions continued to leapfrog each other and today we have WP13 (WPx3) released just months before Word 2007. If you've been playing along, you get that WPx3 can't read Word 2007 files.
(That's okay, Word 2003 [and earlier] can't read them either - not without theDon't have the latest WordPerfect? Here's The Know How:
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack.)
By following the steps below, a document saved in any version of MS Word can be successfully converted to an earlier version of WordPerfect - most of the time.
1. Open the file in Word.
2. Select File, Save As from the menu.
3. At the bottom of the “Save As” dialog box, at the end of the “Save as type” line, click the drop down arrow, scroll down and select:
“Word 6.0/95" Do NOT select “Word 97-2002.
(Although grouped together, each version was unique.)
4. Save the document with a new name to preserve the integrity of original.
(NEVER manually change a file extension from .doc to .wpd! The software will do that.)
5. Close the document.
(If warned of a possible loss of formatting, select okay. You still have the original.)
6. Open the 6.0/95 version (with .doc) of the file in WordPerfect, allowing WordPerfect to convert it.
7. Revise the document as needed and when you save it, WordPerfect will remind you that it was converted and prompt you to select a format. Choose WordPerfect.
Need to Provide the WordPerfect File to Someone Using Word?
1. Work on the file as normal in WordPerfect and save it as a WordPerfect file.
(No need to choose a version. WordPerfect’s file format is the same for versions 6-13)2. Open the WordPerfect file in MS Word, allowing MS Word to convert the document.
Now you've got The Know How.
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